daimon|daimons in English


fiend; devil; demigod, one who is partly human and partly god; human who has been made into a god (Classical Mythology); guardian spirit

Use "daimon|daimons" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "daimon|daimons" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "daimon|daimons", or refer to the context using the word "daimon|daimons" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hannu marked Storm Daimon incomplete on Anaxial's Roster

2. Hannu completed Storm Daimon on Anaxial's Roster

3. Hannu completed Earth Daimon on Anaxial's Roster.

4. Hannu completed Fire Daimon on Anaxial's Roster

5. Hannu completed Night Daimon on Anaxial's Roster

6. Cacodaemon DEE Variations: Cacodemons, Kakadaimon, Kakodaimon, Kakos Daimon

7. Aspects tell the plot line: how the archetypes (the planets, the daimons) will behave when one encounters another

8. Chiseler is a Daimon Heart Snatcher sent by Eugeal to help her extract Pure Hearts

9. AKHERON (Acheron) was the god of the underworld river and lake of pain. The daimon Kharon (Charon) ferried the souls of the dead across its dark waters in his skiff.

10. Cacodaemon (AKA cacodemon) is an evil spirit or demon.The term comes from the Latin word kakodaimonon (evil spirit), and may also have been influenced by the Greek word daimon (neutral spirit).

11. Cacodaemon DEE Variations: Cacodemons, Kakadaimon, Kakodaimon, Kakos Daimon Named for a Greek word meaning “bad demon ” or “bad spirit” that crossed over into the Enochian language sometime in the sixteenth century, Cacodaemons were said by some sources to be the FALLEN ANGELS.